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Thursday, January 11 2018


Thank you so much to our Perimeter Ballet and Perimeter Church families and friends for attending The Nutcracker Christmas production!  We had the highest attendance ever for a Perimeter Ballet production!



Our theme for the year is “Do What It Says-Putting our Faith into Action.” We will begin January by discussing Philippians 4:6-7 on anxiety. February’s focus will be on forgiveness. March’s focus will be on humility, and we will conclude with “remaining in Christ” in April.



Although we place a high value on attendance, if your child is sick (has a fever or an obvious runny nose and/or cough) please keep them out of class until they are better.  But do notify the office if your child will be absent.



Tuition payments are due the first week of each month for January – April.



Monday, January 15 (MLK Day) & Monday, February 19 (Presidents Day) - NO Regular Ballet Classes!



Friday, March 9 @ 7:30PM

Saturday, March 10 @ 11:00AM followed by the Princess Picnic

Sunday, March 11 @ 3:00PM



Our ballet company, For His Glory, is presenting Cinderella on March 9-11! Also on the program with Cinderella will be a new classical piece set to the beautiful music of Handel with all new tutus!

Performance tickets for children ages 3-10 - $10; all others - $12.50. Princess Packages are $20 for children ages 3-10; all others - $25.  AFTER JANUARY, all tickets will be $15 & Picnic Packages will be $30.  Drop your order form and check off at the ballet office!  The Picnic is already half sold out, so don’t delay!


CHICK-FIL-A NIGHT AT THE AVALON!  Mark your calendars now for Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00-8:00PM!  Part of the proceeds will be donated to Perimeter Ballet to support our school & Cinderella production, so invite your family & friends!  Details coming in February…


MAY RECITAL DRESSES ARE COMING IN! We will be sending home recital dresses with your dancers over the next month.  Please no playing in the dresses - keep the dress along with the headpiece in the garment bag until the recital so it stays neat and clean!



Most of you will be asked to chaperone during a recital rehearsal or during the recital your child is not dancing in. The chaperone list will be sent out in March.  If you have a situation where it would be difficult for you to chaperone, like you have a baby that is 8 months old or younger, you’ll be 7+ months pregnant come May, etc. please let us know SOON (by February 1) so we can take you off the chaperone list. To find out which recital night your dancer will be in, check the website under General Info - Ballet Recital.



Friday, April 27 – afternoon in Upstairs Studio

Keiko Guest will be here for individual photos of dancers in their recital costumes. For those new to our school, Keiko is a well-known photographer with a ballet background.  She knows how to work with and pose even the youngest dancers.  The pictures you will receive are professional quality and will be a precious keepsake.  And, Keiko has not increased her prices over the past 10 years!  More details coming in March.



God’s Little Princess Camps:

June 11-15 (CM – Grade 2) and July 16-20 (CM – Ballet I)

This is a sweet, creative and high energy camp for the youngest dancers, ages 3.5 – 9 (dancers currently in Creative Movement, PreBallet, Grade 1, Grade 2 & Ballet I).  Throughout the week, characteristics of God’s princess will come to life through the artistry of thematic dances, hands-on crafts, games and imaginative play.  

Younger dancers attend daily from 9:30-12:30 and older dancers attend daily from 1:30-4:30.

More information coming your way in March, so be thinking about who your daughter can invite to join her for this fun camp.


Intermediate Intensive:

June 18-22

This intensive is designed for our current dancers in II-A and II-B and for those who are 9 years old and above who are interested in learning more about dance.  In addition to ballet classes, dancers will broaden their horizons with modern and jazz classes.  Meets daily from 9:00-3:00.  More information available in March.


Advanced Intensive:

June 4-8

Required for all Perimeter Ballet Apprentice I and II dancers, Company dancers, and suggested for students currently in levels III-V.   Open to advanced and intermediate level dancers who have had at least one year of pointe work or who receive instructor’s recommendation.  The week will feature classes in technique, pointe, partnering, jazz, variations, and musical theater.  Dancers should arrive at 8:50.  The lunch hour will include a devotion and discussion time as we encourage students to seek, honor, and serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. Teachers will include those from Perimeter Ballet faculty as well as various guest teachers.  Meets daily from 9:00-5:00.  More information available in March.



Registration for next year 2018/19 begins April 15 online!  Details to come!

14 5:09 PM



Posted by: Amy Swarr AT 04:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 18 2017

OCTOBER-DECEMBER THEME:  Our theme for the year is “Do What It Says-Putting our Faith into Action”. In October, we will be focusing on THANKFULNESS. In November, our focus will be TRUSTING GOD.  Then in December, we will discuss the JOY, PEACE, and HOPE we can experience as a result of being thankful and trusting God in all things!

SICK POLICY: Although we place a high value on attendance, if your child is sick, please keep them out of class until they are better – 24 hours fever-free & not contagious. Please notify of your child’s absence.

RECITAL FEES DUE:  Recital/Costume fees are due by December 1.  A late fee of $10 will be applied if payment is not received by December 10.  While we do not offer online tuition payments, we are offering online recital payments this year – just go to our homepage starting on November 1 and click “make a payment” at the top right of the page. Fees are as follows:

Creative Movement – Ballet I        $90                                                                                              
IIA                                                       $95                                                                                        
IIB & III                                             $105                                                                                       
IV & V                                                 $145                                                                                                 

TUITION DUE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER: Tuition is due the first week of December!  Do not combine with recital fees. All checks payable to Perimeter Ballet.

REMINDER: When occupying church facilities, please keep noise down to a reasonable level, no running, and keep areas neat and tidy – thank you!

CALENDAR NOTES:  When in doubt if we are having classes, check out the calendar on our website – We will post any cancellations on the homepage when you enter our site.

NO classes the week of November 20-23.
Christmas break begins Monday, December 11. 
Classes resume Monday, January 8.


CHRISTMAS DANCES & PARTIES – DECEMBER 4-7 – (EMAIL COMING SOON W/ DETAILS):                                                               
All the classes (except Ballet V) are working on special Nutcracker/Christmas dances to present to their families the week of December 4-7 during their regular class timeAttendance is very important as classes are working on their dances!!! After the class performances, classes starting at or after 3:00 will meet outside the upstairs ballet studio for their Christmas party.  Classes starting before 3:00 will meet in the Uptown Auditorium. Parties will conclude around the end of regular class time.

What to Bring to the Party:  We need one mom from each class to bring drinks (small water bottles or juice boxes work great).  If you are interested, please email ASAP.  ALL other moms should bring some type of snack/finger food for the girls and guests to enjoy...NO popcorn and no peanut-related foods please.

If your dancer is in II-A, II-B, III, IVA their dance/party will be as follows:

Ballet II-A (M/W)                 Wednesday, 12/6

Ballet II-A (M/TH)               Thursday, 12/7

Ballet II-B                               Wednesday, 12/6

Ballet III                                  Thursday, 12/7

Ballet IVA                                Tuesday, 12/5 at 5:45PM (Food/drink optional)

Ballet IVB                                Tuesday, 12/5 at 7:45PM  (Food/drink optional)

CELEBRATE THE CHRISTMAS SEASON WITH THE NUTCRACKER! Join Perimeter Ballet and Atlanta Professional Dance Academy for this popular holiday classic that will bring smiles and create memories for the entire family! Tickets can be purchased on our website for $15 each starting November 1. Children under 3 are free. Tickets are good for any one show, so no need to pick which show now. Performances are:

            Friday, December 1               7:30PM

            Saturday, December 2          11:00AM and 3:00PM

            Sunday, December 3             3:00PM

All shows will be held in the Perimeter Church Sanctuary and doors open 30 minutes prior to show time. Please spread the word and come enjoy and support our dancers who are hard at work preparing!


PARENT MEETING FOR COMPANY AND NUTCRACKER CAST - Saturday, November 4, from 10:00-11:15AM in the Shed (in the Bricks close to the ballet office). Production fee of $125 for non-company cast members is due at the meeting (checks payable to Perimeter Ballet).


CINDERELLA IS COMING! – March 9-11, 2018! Also on the program with Cinderella will be a new classical piece with beautiful music by Handel and all new tutus! And once again, we will be hosting our famous Princess Picnic following Saturday’s 11:00 performance. Early bird ticket specials will be in December and January only, so get your discounted tickets early and give as Christmas presents! Tickets will be on sale at the Christmas class parties, so come prepared!

COMPANY HIGHLIGHTS: Did you know that our dancers in Ballet III and above have many performing opportunities where they enjoy serving and using their God-given talents?

  • Company dancers made a video to the new song "Majesty" which will be used for Perimeter Church worship events.
  • Ensemble dancers served in Kidsquest on October 1 dancing for student worship.
  • Our dancers will accompany Laura Story this Sunday, October 15, as she sings her song "Open Hands" during Perimeter worship services.
  • A colorful patriotic march performed by our dancers will be a part of the Perimeter Veterans Day program on November 11.
  • Our youngest dancers will perform during the call to worship for Perimeter services on Sunday, November 19.
  • Company dancers will serve in the Christmas music program at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 10.
  • And finally, one of our favorite Christmas traditions is dancing at the annual Hanukkah Tea for Russian senior citizens!

Grey, white, or bright pink zip hoodies in child S-XL         $30                                                                                                     
Grey, white, or bright pink zip hoodies in adult S-3XL      $35                                                                             
Car magnets                                                                                 $5
This is a fund raiser for our school and company, so please consider purchasing as a Christmas or birthday gift for the dancer in your family.  Order deadline is THURSDAY, November 2, and orders will be distributed at class Christmas parties December 4-7.  There are samples sizes in the Ballet Office so stop by!

DONATIONS:  If you have outgrown ballet shoes, leotards or tights around your house that are in good condition, please consider donating them to us so they can be used as needed.

As the holidays draw near, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION TO HELP SUPPORT US!   Check out our website under “Support” for details on why and how to give.  All donations are tax-deductible!

LIKE US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:  Visit us on our Instagram and Facebook page “Perimeter Ballet” and like us!  We have and will be posting photos of our events along with other current news.  Check it out and spread the word to your contacts!

Posted by: Amy Swarr AT 12:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 19 2016

NOVEMBER’S THEME:  Our theme for the year is “Christ in Me” and how Christ works in and through our eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, mind and heart. Over the next weeks, our focus will be using our mouths to please God and bless others.

SICK POLICY: Although we place a high value on attendance, if your child is sick (has a fever or an obvious runny nose and/or cough) please keep them out of class until they are better – 24 hours fever-free & not contagious. Please notify the office of your child’s absence.

RECITAL FEES DUE:  Recital/Costume fees are due by December 1.   A late fee of $10 will be applied if payment is not received by December 10.  While we do not offer online tuition payments, we are offering online recital payments this year – just go to our homepage and click “make a payment” which is at the top of the page. Fees are as follows:

CM – Ballet I                                            $85                                                                                              
IIA                                                             $90                                                                                        
IIB & III                                                     $100                                                                                       
IV & V                                                       $140                                                                                                 

TUITION DUE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER: Tuition is due the first week of December!  Do not combine with recital fees. All checks payable to Perimeter Ballet.           

CALENDAR NOTES:  When in doubt if we are having classes, check out the calendar on our website –

NO classes the week of November 21-24. Christmas break begins Monday, December 12.  Classes resume Monday, January 9.

Behold the Lamb of God – Our performing company For His Glory presents this one-hour production that tells the true Christmas story starting in the Old Testament with the prophets and culminating with the birth of the Promised One – all told through contemporary dance, visual art, and drama set to the beautiful music of Andrew Peterson! Please come enjoy and support our company and ensemble dancers who are hard at work preparing!  Admission is FREE – Sunday, December 4, at 3:00 & 5:00 in the sanctuary.

Behold the Lamb of God “Call for Art” – Your dancer can participate in our show by creating a piece of art that reflects the true meaning of Christmas!  Any medium on any size paper or canvas is acceptable.  Please include name and age on back of piece and turn in to the ballet office by November 18!  Art will be displayed at the shows!

Beauty and the BeastFor His Glory will be performing this BRAND NEW production March 10-12, 2017!  And once again, we will be hosting our famous Princess Picnic following Saturday’s performance. We will have our early bird special in December and January only, so get your discounted tickets early and give as Christmas presents! Tickets will be on sale at the Christmas parties, so come prepared!

CHRISTMAS DANCES & PARTIES – DECEMBER 5-8:  All the classes, with the exception of Ballet V, are working on special Nutcracker/Christmas dances to present to their families the week of December 5-8 during their regular class time.  Attendance is very important as classes are working on their dances!!! After the class Nutcracker performances, classes after 3:00 will meet outside the upstairs ballet studio for their Christmas party.  Classes before 3:00 will meet in the Uptown Auditorium.

What to Bring to the Party:  We need one mom from each class to bring drinks (small water bottles or juice boxes work great).  All classes have volunteers for drinks - thank you!

ALL other moms should bring some type of snack/finger food for the girls and guests to enjoy...NO popcorn and no peanut-related foods. 

If your dancer is in II-A, II-B, III, IVA, or IVB, their dance/party will be as follows:

Ballet II-A (M/W)            Wednesday

Ballet II-A (M/TH)           Thursday

Ballet II-B                        Wednesday

Ballet III                          Thursday

Ballet IVA & IVB             Tuesday (still class on Thurs.)


NEW GEAR:  We are offering lots of new gear this year including:                                           
Grey or pink hoodies child S-XL                       $30                                                                                            
Grey hoodies adult S-3XL                                  $35                                                                             
Ballet bags w/ personalized tags                     $25                                                                                 
Water bottles                                                      $15                                                                               
Car magnets                                                          $5

This is a fund raiser for our school and company, so please consider purchasing as a Christmas or birthday gift for the dancer in your family.  Orders must be received by TUESDAY, November 1, and you’ll receive your order the week of December 5 – plan to pick yours up at the class Christmas party.  There are samples sizes in the Ballet Office so stop by!

DONATIONS:  If you have outgrown ballet shoes, leotards or tights around your house, that are in good condition, please consider donating them to us so they can be used as needed.

LIKE US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:  Visit us on our new Instagram and Facebook page “Perimeter Ballet” and like us!  We have and will be posting photos of our events along with other CURRENT news and information.  Check it out and spread the word to your contacts!







Posted by: Amy Swarr AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 02 2016

March Theme:  Love Never Fails  
Once again this month we’ll be talking to our dancers about love – both God’s love for us as well as how we can live out loving others every day.

March Tuition is now due:  Pay by March 10 to avoid the $15 late fee!

Calendar Notes:   NO ballet April 4-8

A Decade of Dance is Coming!!!    Be sure to join us for one of our Company’s productions of A Decade of Dance which will feature excerpts from Sleeping Beauty, Four Seasons and Tarantella as we celebrate our Company’s 10th anniversary.   This is a great way to support these dancers as they seek to use their abilities and talents to glorify God and to support our ballet school.  The young as well as the young at heart will enjoy this classic filled with beautiful dancing, music and colorful costumes. Be sure to invite your neighbors and friends!  Tickets may be purchased at the door or by going to

While you may be more familiar with Sleeping Beauty, you may not know that The Four Seasons, composed in 1723, is one of Baroque legend Vivaldi’s most famous works for the violin. It takes the audience on a journey through the changing seasons-the newness of spring, the passion of summer, the calmness of autumn and the chill of winter. Witness the power of our Creator brought to life through dance!  Tarantella is a lively ballet choreographed by George Balanchine in 1964 to American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk’s Grand Tarantelle, Op. 67, composed from 1858-1864. Balanchine turned an Italian folk dance based on a myth about spiders into a seven minute powerhouse of a ballet accompanied by tambourines.

A ticket is good for any one performance so you don’t have to decide now which performance to attend.  
Performances: April15 @ 7:30PM; April 16 @ 11:00AM; April 17 @ 3:00PM  
Perimeter Church Sanctuary; doors open 30 minutes prior to each performance

Recital Reminder:  With teachers working on recital dances, attendance in March and April is very important!  Moms, you will soon receive your recital volunteer assignment.  If you are unable to do what is requested, please find another mom to switch with you and let the ballet office know of the change.

Professional Pictures:   Friday, April 29 - 2:00-6:00 in the Upstairs Studio 
Keiko Guest will be here for individual photos of dancers in their recital costumes.  For those new to our school, Keiko is a well-known photographer with a ballet background.  She knows how to work with and pose even the youngest dancers.   The pictures you will receive are professional quality and will sure to become a keepsake.  And, Keiko has not increased her prices over the past 8 years! 
Sign-up for picture times will begin Monday, April 11.  

Mission Support:  By now many of you know that some of our Company dancers will be returning to Belarus this summer to conduct a dance intensive from June 10-20.   This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those who are attending a government run school.  But, this team could use your financial as well as prayer support.  If you would like to support them financially, go to and choose Belarus for online giving or drop a check, made payable to Perimeter Church and noted for Belarus mission trip, in the ballet deposit slot.  And again, this team would appreciate your prayer support as they seek to be salt and light to those they will work with and meet in Belarus.

REGISTARTION for Fall Classes:  Registration begins April 15 with Early Bird Discounts till May 15

SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES:  Registration begins April 15 with Early Bird Discounts till May 15

God’s Little Princess Camps -  June 13-17 and July 18-22

This is a sweet, creative and high energy camp for the youngest dancers, ages 3.5 – 9 (dancers currently in Creative Movement, PreBallet, Grade 1, and Grade 2, Ballet I).    Throughout the week, characteristics of God’s princess will come to life through the artistry of thematic dances, hands-on crafts, games and imaginative play.

Younger dancers attend daily from 9:30-12:30 and older dancers attend daily from 1:30-4:30.  
The 1:30-4:30 session of the July camp will be designed especially for Grade 2 and Ballet I dancers and will contain more dancing including some modern/jazz work.  Ballet I students who are interested in attending the Intermediate Intensive, need to contact the ballet office as teacher recommendation is needed.  The Intermediate Intensive requires more dance time, more structure and we want to be sure each dancer is appropriately placed.

Intermediate Intensive:  June 20-24  
This intensive is designed for our current dancers in Ballet II-A, and II-B and for those who are interested in learning more about dance who are 9 years old and above.  If your daughter is currently in Ballet I and is interested in attending this intensive, please contact the ballet office so we can talk with her teacher.  In addition to ballet classes, dancers will broaden their horizons with modern and jazz classes.  Meets daily from 9:00-3:00.   
 Advanced Intensive:   June 6-10  
Required for all Perimeter Ballet Apprentice I and II dancers, Company dancers and suggested for students currently in levels III-V.   Open to advanced and intermediate level dancers who have had at least one year of pointe work or who receive instructor’s recommendation.  The week will feature classes in technique, pointe, partnering, jazz, variations, and musical theater.  Dancers should arrive at 8:50.  The lunch hour will include a devotion and discussion time as we encourage students to seek, honor, and serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. Teachers will include those from Perimeter Academy of the Arts Ballet faculty as well as various guest teachers.  Meets daily from 9:00-5:00.




Posted by: AT 02:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 21 2016

JANUARY’S THEME:  As we discuss love’s characteristics, we are reminded of God’s great love for us and how through his strength, we can put love into our actions and words every day.

TUITION:  If you are paying monthly or by semester (January-April), tuition is now due (and past due).

WINTER FLU & COLD ALERT:  Although we place a high value on attendance, if your child is sick (has a fever or an obvious runny nose and or cough) please keep them out of class until they are better.  But do notify the office if your child will be absent.

MAY RECITAL:  Most of you will be asked to chaperone during a recital rehearsal or during the recital your child is not dancing in. The chaperone list will be sent out in March. If you have a situation where it would be difficult for you to chaperone, like you have a baby that is 8 months old or younger, you’ll be 7 months pregnant come May, etc. please let us know SOON (by February 1) so she can take you off the chaperone list. To find out which recital night your dancer will be in, check this website.

FEBRUARY SPECIAL TICKET PRICING:  Our ballet company, For His Glory, is celebrating their 10th anniversary with A Decade of Dance in April. This production will feature excerpts from Sleeping Beauty, Four Seasons and Tarantella.  We will be running a Valentine’s Day special the week of February 15-19.  Performance tickets for children ages 3-10 - $10; all others - $13.  After this, all tickets will be $15.

CALENDAR NOTES:  Monday, February 15 - NO Regular Ballet Classes

PROFESSIONAL RECITAL PICTURES:  Friday, April 29  -  2:00-6:00 in the Upstairs Studio

Keiko Guest will be here for individual photos of dancers in their recital costumes.  For those new to our school, Keiko is a well-known photographer with a ballet background.  She knows how to work with and pose even the youngest dancers.   The pictures you will receive are professional quality and will sure to become a keepsake.  And, Keiko has not increased her prices over the past 9 years!  More details coming in March.

SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES:  Registration begins in March

God’s Little Princess Camps - June 13-17 and July 18-22 - This is a sweet, creative and high energy camp for the youngest dancers, ages 3.5 – 8 (dancers currently in Creative Movement, PreBallet, Grade 1, and Grade 2).    Throughout the week, characteristics of God’s princess will come to life through the artistry of thematic dances, hands-on crafts, games and imaginative play.  Younger dancers attend daily from 9:30-12:30 and older dancers attend daily from 1:30-4:30.  Be thinking about who your daughter can invite to join her for this fun camp.

Intermediate Intensive -  June 20-24 - This intensive is designed for our current dancers in Ballet I, II-A, and II-B and for those who are interested in learning more about dance who are 9 years old and above.  In addition to ballet classes, dancers will broaden their horizons with modern and jazz classes.  Meets daily from 9:00-3:00.

Advanced Intensive - June 6-10 - Required for all Perimeter Ballet Apprentice I and II dancers, Company dancers and suggested for students currently in levels III-V.   Open to advanced and intermediate level dancers who have had at least one year of pointe work or who receive instructor’s recommendation.  The week will feature classes in technique, pointe, partnering, jazz, variations, and musical theater.  Dancers should arrive at 8:50.  The lunch hour will include a devotion and discussion time as we encourage students to seek, honor, and serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. Teachers will include those from Perimeter Academy of the Arts Ballet faculty as well as various guest teachers.  Meets daily from 9:00-5:00.

GOOD TO KNOW:   "Mom, whydo I have to wear a bun to ballet class?" Surely, this is a question you've heard from your ballerina!  Having a ballet bun in ballet class is more important than just 'because our teacher said'!  Not only do ballet buns meet the standard expectation and appearance of ballerinas, they have a functional purpose too.  Having hair up in a ballet bun allows the instructor, and dancer, to see the line that is being created by the shoulders, neck, arms, and back, and make corrections if necessary.  The buns also prevents any distractions that can be caused by a 'flying' pony tail during leaps, jumps, and turns.  Often times, dancers get hit in the face with their pony tail during turns, creating a distraction to their spotting and technique.  So the next time your dancer asks, 'Why do I have to have a ballet bun?' you can share its importance! Thank you for making sure your ballerina arrives to ballet class in their bun!

Posted by: AT 03:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 04 2015

NOVEMBER & DECEMBER’S THEME:  Over the next weeks, our focus will be love “is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.”  As we discuss love’s characteristics, we are reminded of God’s great love for us and how through his strength, we can put love into our actions and words every day.

RECITAL FEES DUE:  Recital/Costume fees are due by December 5.   A late fee of $15 will be applied if payment is not received by December 15 unless we have been notified.   We encourage everyone to pay online – just go to our homepage and click “make a payment” which is at the top of the page. 

CALENDAR NOTES:  When in doubt if we are having classes, check out the calendar on our website –

NO classes the week of November 23.  Christmas break is from Monday, December 14 – Friday, January 8.


All the classes, with the exception of Ballet IVB and V, are working on special Nutcracker dances to present their families the week of December 7-10 during their regular class time.  Attendance is very important as classes work on their dance!!!

WHAT TO BRING to the Party:  We need one mom from each class to bring drinks (small water bottles or juice boxes work great).  If you’d like to be that mom for your class, please email the office ASAP. 

ALL other moms should bring some type of snack/finger food for the girls and guests to enjoy...NO popcorn and no peanut related foods. 

If your dancer is in II-A, II-B or III, IV-A their dance/party will be as follows:

Ballet II-A (M/W)     Wednesday

Ballet II-A (M/TH)    Thursday

Ballet II-B                     Wednesday

Ballet III-A & B          Thursday

Ballet IV-A                 Tuesday


MAGNETS:  If you have not stopped by to purchase a Perimeter Ballet magnet, why not do so today!  They are also available in the bookstore!  Your purchase of $5 will help promote and support our school. 

HOODIES:  We will be selling blue and pink zip up hoodies again this year!  This is a fund raiser for our school and company so please consider purchasing one as a Christmas or birthday gift for the dancer in your family.  Orders must be received by TUESDAY, November 17, and you’ll receive your hoodie the week of December 7 – plan to pick yours up at the class Christmas party.  There are samples sizes in the Ballet Office and the cost is $30 per hoodie.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK:  Visit our new Facebook page “Perimeter Ballet” and like us!  We have and will be posting photos of our events along with other CURRENT news and information.  Check it out and spread the word to your FB contacts!







Posted by: AT 04:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 08 2015

OCTOBER’S THEME:  Our theme for the year is love and last month teachers talked with dancers about love being patient.  This month our focus will be “Loves does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 

MAGNETS:  A fresh order of beautiful Perimeter Ballet magnets has arrived!   Your purchase of $5 will help promote and support our school.  So stop by the office soon and purchase one ($5 – check or cash). 

TUITION IS NOW DUE:  If you pay tuition each month using a check, please be sure to have it to us by the 10th.   Tuition is considered “late” if received after the 15th and a $15 late fee will be applied unless you’ve notified us of the delay in payment.

JOHNS CREEK ARTS FESTIVAL:  Saturday, October 17, from 10:00-6:00 & Sunday, October 18, from 11:00-5:00.  Over 100 artisans from around the country will gather on the green across from the Atlanta Athletic Club to showcase their art! There will be plenty of good food and lots of entertainment as well!  Our own performing company, For His Glory, will be performing on stage from 12:15 – 12:45!  Please come support our dancers and enjoy a fun afternoon of art, food, and entertainment! 

LOST AND FOUND BOXES:  Our boxes, located outside each studio, are starting to fill up.  So, if your daughter is missing a book, shoes, skirt, water bottle, etc., take a look in the bin outside the studio she dances in. 

CALANDER NOTES:  Classes as usual throughout the month of October.   

TASTE OF PERIMETER:  Sunday, November 8; 5:00-7:30 PM

For those in our ballet family who are not members of Perimeter but are interesting in finding out more about its ministry, we would like to invite you to Taste of Perimeter.  As you may have noticed, Perimeter's a big place - a really big place. Taste of Perimeter is a fun, low-key evening that provides families with an easy way to investigate Perimeter Church and discover a place to meet people, embark on or grow in your spiritual journey and answer the call of your heart to serve your community.

Taste of Perimeter offers you a sample of how Perimeter works through children in our KidsQuest ministry, youth in The Bricks Student Center, and adults to prepare hearts of all ages to serve our community. Through the telling of the Perimeter Story by our lead teaching pastor, Randy Pope, you'll get a front-row seat in learning how Perimeter got its start. Our hope is that this first taste will whet your appetite to get connected at Perimeter through our Membership Class where you'll learn a lot more about how and why we do what we do.

If you are interested in attending, just let us know and we’ll arrange for someone on our ballet staff to join you for the evening.

Posted by: AT 01:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 23 2015




Saturday, October 24 for Ballet II-B, III, and IV-A Dancers

9:30-11:00…arrive by 9:15 outside the upstairs studio

Roles to fill:  little kitten and court children

An audition class is like a regular ballet class and hopefully it will be fun for each dancer who participates.

The roles are limited because our costuming is limited but again, we encourage all Ballet II-B through IV-A dancers to participate in the audition.



Although we place a high value on attendance, if your child is sick (has a fever or an obvious runny nose and or cough) please keep them out of class until they are better.  But do notify the office of your child’s absence.



If you have outgrown ballet shoes, leotards or tights around your house, that are in good condition, please consider donating them to us so they can be used as needed.


JOHNS CREEK ARTS FESTIVAL:  OCTOBER 17 - Across from Atlanta Athletic Club

This annual celebration features artists, entertainment, a variety of crafters, tons of great food and a children’s play area.  Our Company dancers (For His Glory) and Ensemble group will be performing Saturday and the tentative time is 12:15-12:45 and hope to see many of you there.


MAY RECITAL:  May 3 and 4th – 7:00-8:30

The schedule has been set so under General Information on our website, click on Recital to see which night your child will be dancing.  We’ve made a change or two since the opening week of ballet. 



If you have any questions regarding the ballet schedule, just check out our calendar on the website under General Information.



This month’s theme is – Love is patient, love is kind.

Our teachers will be talking to dancers about how God tells us to love each other and will be talking specifically about what it means to be patient and how we can show kindness to others.


Posted by: AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 23 2014

We have a BIG need for costuming help within our ballet company, For His Glory.  And even if your daughter is not yet in our Company program, you might be able to help us (or have a mom or aunt who can)!  These needs include: a costume seamstress trainee, sewing helpers, and a costume closet organizer.  Our lead seamstress is extremely gifted, but she cannot do this job alone and she will be retiring after this year when her daughter graduates.  So we really need someone to train under her for next year. Please read the job descriptions below and let us know ASAP if you are interested.    Also, we offer tuition discounts for our costume seamstress and costume closet organizer.

Costume Seamstress responsibilities include:

Organizing one or two sewing “parties” in the weeks before a show to gather the sewing team and work downstairs at Perimeter. These parties are held on Saturdays during rehearsal hours.

Working backstage for one rehearsal and one show to help out with sewing emergencies.

Taking costumes home to work on when needed.

Ensuring all costumes are ready for performances.

Sewing Helper responsibilities include:

Attending one or two sewing “parties” in the weeks before a show to work on costumes downstairs at Perimeter. These parties are held on Saturdays during rehearsal hours.

Working backstage for one rehearsal and one show to help out with sewing emergencies.

Taking costumes home to work on when needed.

Costume Closet Organizer responsibilities include:

Keeping the costume closet organized.

Assist with pulling of the costumes for Company performances.

Organizing how costumes will be cleaned after performances (we give you names of helpers).

Ensuring all costumes are returned and put back properly.

Posted by: Carol McLees AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Perimeter Ballet
    9500 Medlock Bridge Road
    Johns Creek, GA 30097
    Phone: 678.405.2337 or 404-310-3116 (please email due to limited office hours)

    our facebook page instagram