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Health & Safety Protocols

Health & Safety Protocols - updated October 18, 2022 (subject to change - please check back with each instance) :


These guidelines may not address all scenarios of exposure or illness. Perimeter Ballet will provide guidance based on your family’s circumstances. Please email with questions or concerns.



  • Masks are optional in the church and during ballet class at Perimeter Church.
  • Dancers will be given hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the studio.
  • Extra cleaning protocols will be maintained throughout the year.



People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 – 14 days after exposure to the virus, including: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.


For students with chronic conditions including allergies, asthma, and migraine headaches, symptoms should represent a change from their typical health status.



SYMPTOM GUIDELINES: A Dancer Has Symptoms of Illness 

  • Please do not attend ballet class if your child is sick with symptoms of illness.
  • Notify Perimeter Ballet of the absence.
  • Contact your healthcare provider if necessary.
  • You may return:
    • if you are fever-free and vomit-free for 48 hours without fever-reducing medication and symptom-free (a physician's release or COVID-19 test is not required).
  • Dancer recovers at home while class continues in-person instruction.
  • Dancer may request links to online ballet classes. Email

EXPOSURE GUIDELINES: A Student Has Close Contact (Within Six Feet for More Than Fifteen Minutes) With Someone Who Tests Positive for COVID-19

  • If the point of exposure occurred within the ballet setting, the class will continue in-person instruction while the affected (COVID positive) person recovers at home. Due to the nature of classroom activity, it is possible classmates may have been exposed. Perimeter Ballet will not continue contact tracing communication when a student tests positive for COVID-19. 
  • If the point of exposure occurred outside the ballet setting, students who are asymptomatic may immediately return to class. No further action is required.            
  • If a student becomes symptomatic after the point of any exposure, please follow the symptom guidelines to return to ballet.


POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST GUIDELINES: A dancer tests positive for COVID-19

  • Notify Perimeter Ballet.
  • Dancer should isolate at home for 5 DAYS.
  • First day of symptoms is day 1. If asymptomatic, the day of the positive test is day 1.
  • The dancer may return after 5 days if free of fever for 48 hours without fever-reducing medication and if symptom-free.
  • The student may request links to online ballet classes. Email
  • Class continues with in-person instruction.

For other questions, please send an email to



  • I am just not sure if my child is sick or not. What should I do? We encourage you to use your discretion. Please put your child’s best interest as well as that of others in the forefront. For further guidance, contact to discuss.
  • What does this mean for a child who awoke feeling a little off but decides he/she wants to come to ballet later during the day? If any dancer has felt poorly during the day due to any symptoms, he/she should not come to class.






Ballet Photo Gallery

    Perimeter Ballet
    9500 Medlock Bridge Road
    Johns Creek, GA 30097
    Phone: 678.405.2337 or 404-310-3116 (please email due to limited office hours)
    Fax:  678.405.2009

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